Beginning of the month, I visited my family in Germany. One day, I had the chance to go to a nearby lake, just underneath the highest mountain in Germany. It is a much photographed area and I tried to find views that I had not seen before on postcards. I succeeded with only one image….
My recent trip to Yellowstone
After coming back, I had to sort through 1100 images. Photographing animals is for me ‘shoot first and ask questions later’. This time, I got some really nice action sequences. Great shots from a wildlife perspective, but I am not sure anyone would want to hang such an image in the living room 🙂 The…
Kalispell: Raptor shoot
Triple D Game Farm works together with a local rescue center. This provides some income for it. The raptors we got to shoot are all birds that can no longer be released into the wild. Therefore they become ambassadors.
Kalispell: Horse Round-Up
Here are some images from the 2 horse round-up sessions I particiapted in. The first one sounded great: 50 horses coming by in waves. Only it did not quite happen that way. The horses came mostly in groups that were large or in a line. In addition, it was heavy overcast with low clouds. This…
Triple D – Winter Visit
Mid February, I drove up to Montana to have a Wintershoot with the animals at Triple D Game Farm. The trip up was gorgeous until I got Missoula. At that point I began to wonder about the amount of snow in Kalispell, still hoping for the best. Only, I was not that lucky. My mental…
Recent images
Recently, on my way to Montana, I was driving through Moab and Green River. I spent the late afternoon in Arches N.P., seeing it for the first time with snow. Sadly the weather was not that great with many clouds around. The next morning, I continued on and the area around Green River was a…